
The biggest pandemic of the 21st century


COVID-19 has impacted our lives in ways we have never experienced before. Sometimes, we wonder if things will ever go back to the way it was before. These are difficult days, but with today's medical advancements, we can hope to find to cure sooner or later.

In the meantime, stay home and stay safe.

How it Spreads?

COVID-19 spreads mainly by droplets produced as a result of coughing or sneezing of a COVID-19 infected person.

This can happen in two ways:

  • Direct close contact: one can get the infection by being in close contact with COVID-19 patients
  • Indirect contact: the droplets survive on surfaces and clothes for many days.

Therefore,touching any such infected surface and then touching one’s mouth, nose or eyes can transmit the disease.

COVID-19 Symptoms

Symptoms COVID-19 Flu Allergies
Fever Common Common Sometimes
Dry cough Common Common Sometimes
Shortness of breath Common No Sometimes

Precautions and Measures


Wash your hands with soap and water regularly.


Wear a face mask whenever you go out.


Stay home to lower chances of contracting the virus.


If you experience any symptoms of COVID-19,get medical help immediately.

Summary of the Events in brief

Virus originates from Wuhan,China. It slowly starts to affect spread to other South-East Asian countries like Malaysia, Taiwan,Singapore etc.

Europe slowly becomes one of the biggest hotspots for COVID-19.

Eventually, this disease spreads to all parts of the globe with US becoming the worst affected region in the world

Research is ongoing for a cure as the world fights against COVID-19. Lockdown measures relax in many parts of the world

Global Impact

The impact of COVID-19 can be felt throughout the world-taking lives, destroying livelihoods, and changing everything about how we interact with each other and the world.

On the economic side, the aviation industry has been hit the hardest. Global trade is forcasted to drop by 27%. Poverty is expected to increase due to increase in unemployment.In the social front, the education of students has been heavily compromised.

That's not to say everything is bad. For one, this is a big opportunity for the Indian economy by encouraging local businesses to improve the economy. This lockdown has also brought families together. The biggest positive has to be for the environment with wildlife rejuvenating and carbon levels reduce in the atmosphere for the first time in nearly 30 years

So,this lockdown can become a bit more bearable when we look at the positive impacts the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to India and the rest of the world!

What is Social Distancing?

Basically, social distancing means avoiding close contact with others. This term is being used to refer to a conscious effort in order slow down community transmission of the virus.

This is the most important step that we have to take if we want to fight against the virus


Meeting people
Sporting events
Public transport


Religious places
Grocery stores


Work at home
Video chat
Go for a drive
Watching movies


During this period, it is understandable if we get bored. After all, we are in our homes 24x7 and for the time being, we cannot go out to meet our friends and family and have a social life in general. So, it is important we keep ourselves busy during this quarantine to avoid negaive thoughts

Talk to your loved ones

Its normal to feel sad,angry,lonely,confused or scared in times like these. Talking to your loved ones can help. Try to keep in touch with them through phone calls or video chat.

Exercise Regularly

Let's be honest here: Most of us have made plans to exercise regularly at some point in our life.But, our inability to maintain a work-life balance has not allowed us to execute these plans. This time though, things could be different.There are several online sources that can help us create an exercise routine. Also,try to eat healthy.After all, health is wealth.

Don't use drugs to cope

If you feel overwhelmed, talk to your loved ones or talk to a professional. Seek mental help if required. Remember: There is nothing wrong in asking for help.

Revisit old hobbies

Revisit old hobbies that you had in your childhood to manage your emotions during this crisis.Also, they are a great way to kill time and you also have fun along the way.

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